Daniele Torreggiani

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Actual position: 
Full Professor - Department of Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari at University of Bologna (Bologna, Italy) 

Web page: 


Short BIO:

Daniele Torreggiani, Environmental Engineer and Ph.D. in Agricultural Engineering, is associate professor at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna in the Agricultural and biosystems Engineering field - Rural Buildings and Agro-forest Land Planning. He has obtained the National Scientific Qualification to become a Full Professor.

His main research activities deal with: land survey and spatial analysis, geomatics and geographic information systems (GIS) applied to precision farming, rural landscape management and rural planning; planning and design of rural and peri-urban areas; traditional rural building and landscape integration of the rural built system and infrastructure; resilience and sustainability of territorial systems and green systems; multi-time and multi-criteria analysis of rural territory and landscape and enhancement of landscape systems; analysis and design of agricultural and agro-industrial
buildings for process optimization and minimization of environmental and landscape impact; smart farming and precision livestock farming systems.

Daniele Torreggiani has participated and participates in many research activities and projects, in collaboration with public and private bodies. In particular, he has been leading and participating in several research teams within national and international projects, as follows.

Scientific responsibility in international projects:

- Scientific responsibility for the University of Bologna in the Climate KIC pathfinder Project (Knowledge and Innovation Community - Europe’s leading climate innovation initiative) “AELCLIC: Adaptation of European Landscapes to Climate Change” (2019). https://aelclicpathfinder.com. Daniele Torreggiani has led the research team of the University of Bologna and coordinated the activities of the project partners, of the public and private third parties and of the networks of stakeholders in the South-Eastern Europe work package, promoting, coordinating and leading activities and workshops in 4 pilot landscape in different countries, as well as hosting the final international meeting of the project in Bologna.
- Scientific responsibility for the University of Bologna in the PRIMA Project (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area - Euro-Mediterranean cooperation joint programme) “Self-sufficient Integrated Multi-Trophic AquaPonic systems for improving food production sustainability and brackish water use and recycling (SIMTAP)” (2019-2022) - https://www.simtap.eu. The project aims at developing an ecosystem-based approach for fish production and crop cultivation to be implemented in different climate and production contexts, in a circular economy perspective.
Daniele Torreggiani is responsible of the research team of the University of Bologna, leading the tasks aimed at designing and developing an Integrated Smart Monitoring and Control System, at assessing and optimizing the energy efficiency, and at developing a decision support system based on multi-criteria GIS models.

Scientific responsibility in national projects:

- Responsible of the research project “Retrofitting of rural buildings: evaluation of alternative solutions in the wine sector” – “Retrofitting degli edifici agricoli: valutazione di soluzioni alternative in ambito vitivinicolo” (funded by Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation) - 2015/2016.- Responsible of the research project “Analysis of building trends in rural areas” - “Analisi delle dinamiche edificatorie sul territorio rurale” (funded by Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation) 2016/2017.
- Responsible of the research project “Cross-supply chain synergies from a circular economy and environmental sustainability perspective: study of the potential for reuse of agri-food waste in various production sectors through geomatic systems and innovative spatial analysis methods” - “Ricerca di sinergie inter-filiera in un’ottica di economia circolare e di sostenibilità ambientale: studio delle potenzialità di riuso di scarti agroalimentari in vari comparti produttivi attraverso sistemi geomatici e metodologie innovative di analisi territoriale” (funded by Cassa di Risparmio di Imola Foundation) 2019/2020.
- Responsible of the collaboration project between the University of Bologna and Unione Comuni Modenesi Area Nord about spatial and landscape analysis and planning aimed at the definition of a requalification project for the enhancement of agroforestry landscapes, addressing environmental, socioeconomic and cultural landscape resources (2016/2017).

Participation in international projects as member of the University of Bologna research team:

- H2020-EU project “RES4LIVE Energy Smart Livestock Farming towards Zero Fossil Fuel Consumption”, aimed at developing renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions to decarbonize the agricultural sector and reduce GHG emissions.- H2020 LEAP-RE project “Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Renewable Energy”.
- ERA-HDHL Knowledge Hub on Food and Nutrition Security project “An integrated approach to the challenge of sustainable food systems: adaptive and mitigatory strategies to address climate change and malnutrition (SYSTEMIC)”.

Participation in national projects as member of the University of Bologna research team:

- PRIN 2017 research project “Smart dairy farming: innovative solutions to improve herd productivity”.
- Rural development project 2020 “Haly.Bio” Indagini operative per l’implementazione del controllo biologico dell’invasiva Halyomorpha halys in Emilia-Romagna” (activities focused on the spatial analysis supporting the biological control of invasive species).
- PRIN 2007 “criteria for the integrated analysis and design for the agri-food sector”
- PRIN 2005 research project “Rural landscape changes: driving forces and future scenarios”
- PRIN 2003 research project “Landscape changes between protection and innovation in rural and periurban systems in Italy”
- PRIN 2001 research project “Technological innovation of livestock farming
- Agreement between the University of Bologna and Nuovo Circondario Imolese: study of the rural territory of the municipalities of the new district of Imola aimed to support the development of the knowledge framework of the associated municipal plan” - “Approfondimenti riguardanti il territorio rurale dei comuni del nuovo circondario imolese di supporto all’elaborazione del quadro conoscitivo del PSC in forma associata”

He is Guest editor of the Special issue “Landscape Analysis, Planning and Regional Development" of the Journal "Sustainability".

He is member of the Academic board of the PhD Program in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Science and Technology of the University of Bologna.

Together with colleagues of his research group, he is among the owners of a patent in the field of temporary constructions, as a first step towards the industrialization and marketing of a product of interest for the national and international territory.

He presented articles and has been invited speaker and chairman in several national and international conferences. He is member of the organizing committee of several conferences. He is author of several publications on national and international journals and conferences proceedings, and published various papers on ISI WoS and Scopus Journals, and editor of books. He is referee for various international scientific journals.

He teaches in first and second level degree programs of the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences and technologies of the University of Bologna: Agricultural Sciences and Technologies, Planning and Management of Agro-Territorial, forest and landscape; Precise and Sustainable Agriculture (International Master Degree); Ornamental Plants and Landscape Protection. He teaches in various PhD programs of the University of Bologna: Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences and Technologies; Health, Safety and Green Systems; Future Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenge.

He is supervisor of several theses and student training activities and is supervisor and co- supervisor of various PhD students. He is member of the Italian Association of Agricultural Engineering/Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria (AIIA), European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng), International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR). He is part of the working group of the University of Bologna within the European Network of Universities for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention UNISCAPE and of the working group "Rural buildings and landscape" dell'European Society of Agricultural Engineers.

Since 2015 he is the coordinator of the degree course in Ornamental plants and landscape protection, and since 2017 he is member of the Executive Board of the European network of Universities UNISCAPE.

He has been awarded the best poster prize AISSA 2014, with the poster titled "Building design criteria for wine farms” – “Criteri di progettazione edilizia ottimizzati per aziende vitivinicole", authors: Torreggiani D., Benni S., Barbaresi A., Tassinari P.

Bibliometric indicators related to publications and citations (source Scopus – update 22.12.2020):

- number of publications indexed: 67
- number of citations: 509
- h-index: 15