Maurizia Sigura

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Actual position: 
Professor - Department of Scienze agroalimentari, ambientali e animali (DI4A) at University of Udine (Udine, Italy) 

Web page: 


Short BIO:

Dr. Maurizia Sigura (PhD.), female, is Researcher at Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences at the University of Udine since 2005 (Area 07 Agricultural and veterinary sciences, 07C - Agricultural, forest and bio-systems engineering, AGR10 - Rural buildings and agro-forest land of academic disciplines for italian University research and teaching).
April 2017 - National scientific qualification for Associate Professor - sector 07/C1 - Agricultural, forest and bio-systems engineering (from 28/03/2017 to 28/03/2023; Article 16, paragraph 1, Law 240/10)

Fields of research:

Application of remote sensing and GIS technologies for landscape pattern and landscape dynamic analysis and study of the relationships between the natural component,
anthropic activities and landscape patterns in agro-forestry systems and multifuntionality of rural areas. Study of cosystem services and ecological networks for sustainable land management, development of tools to support decision-makers in management and planning of rural areas aimed to sustainable development International Research projects

As project coordinator:
- PULCHRA - Science in the City: Building Participatory Urban Learning Community Hubs through Research and Activation (Horizon 2020-SwafS-2018, EU.5.d) (scientific director and coordinator WP10) ( The project involves 10 European countries and aims at the development of new scientific knowledge for the city as an urban ecosystem, encouraging the use of innovative technologies as remote-sensing and to web tools to involve the community in participatory projects aimed to sustainability improvement. September 2019 - to date (project end September 2022)

As team member:
- INADEF - "Innovative alarm system for DEthritic events based on short-term forecasts and Phenomenology" (INTERREG VA Italy Austria 2014-2020- ITAT 3035) (https : // The goal is to develop an alarm system that recognizes debris flow events with greater advances by connecting the short-term precipitation forecast (1-3 hours) with hydrological and priming models operating with Webgis technology. From 01-09-2019 to date) (
- Erasmus + Project, FEAL: multifunctional Farming for the sustainability of European Agricultural Landscapes (Nº: 2016-1-SK01-KA202-022502). The objectives were to analyze the potential of European landscapes as an economic added value for young farmers, the promotion of knowledge of European landscapes as basic structure for the farm multifunctionality and development of materials supporting young farmers learning ( (from 15-11-2016 to 30-11-2018)
- LIBERATION - LInking farmland Biodiversity to Ecosystem seRvices for effective ecological intensification The project was aimed to provide the evidences for the potential of ecological
intensification to sustainable enhance food security and ecosystem services. Project funded by European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme, grant agreement no 311781) (2014-2015, sub-contractor) (
- PALPIS - Participatory planning of cross-border areas of high conservation value in the south of Julian Pre-Alps The project was aimed to define a GIS infrastructure to support envitonmental planning in the Julian Pre-Alps areas (coordinator Regional natural park of the Julian Alps). Project funded by Interreg IIIA Italy-Slovenia program (2005-2007; partner)
- IMAGES - Improving Agri-Enviromental Policies: a simulation Approach to the Role of the Cognitive Properties of farmers and Institutions (CEC-FAIR-CT96_2092). The objective is to develop analysis methodologies and tools that allow to evaluate the impact of different agri-environmental measures on the agricultural system. The activities concern, among other things, the collection of data necessary for the simulation software and the development of the case study in the regional area. ( (from 01-02-1997 to 30-06-2000).

National Research projects and projects with local players:

As project coordinator:
- GREVISLIN - Green infrastructures for the conservation and improvement of the state of habitats and protected species along the rivers (Interreg IT-SLO strategic, OS 3.2) (subcontractor of Friuli Venezia Giulia region, WP 3.1). The goal is to study green infrastructure and related ecosystem services at river basin scale considering the ecological network model, and interactions between nature and intensity of land use. September 2019 - to date -.
- Management Natura 2000 SIC IT 3310009 Magredi delCellina, ZPS Magredi di Pordenone - Definition of an informative system on environmental characteristics, human pressures and definition of proposals for conservative and management measures of Natura 2000 area (SIC and ZPS) (from 01-05-2007 to 30-06-2008). Research funded by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.
- MULTIFARM - environmental sustainability for the multifunctionality of agriculture, aimed to the evaluation of conservative agriculture potential to improve biodiversity, and agricultural landscape (coordinator, 2011-2012), research funded by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (LR 10/11/2005 No. 26, article 17)
- Regional Environmental Landscape Plan – aimed to support the development of the Regional Environmental Landscape Plan with particular focus on ecological network and rural landscapes organization (corodinator 2015-2017), research funded by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.- Ecological Network in Marine Areas – aimed to model the ecological network in (coordiantor 2018), research of marine and land areas of Triest coast (UNESCO - RESERVE MaB) funded by WWF
- Landscapes units for Dolomites management project aimed to define e methodological aproach to map Landscape Units of Dolomites sites, (2016) research funded by Province of Pordenone, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

As team member:
- Research project TREFOR - TREE diversity FOR Ecosystem services (competitive tender for the award of grants to start-up projects in 2018, Department of Agri-food, Environmental, Animal Sciences). The goal is to study the relationships between forest biodiversity and agronomic and ecosystem services offered in agricultural landscapes (May 2020 to date)
- Project Landscapes of Dolomites aimed to define guidelines to support the implementation of management plan for Dolomites Unesco Heritage (responsible for the definition of landscape units guidelines, project funded by Dolomites Foundation) research funded by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (01-02-2012 to 31-07-2014)
- project ALi.For.MiDI. - Experimentation of innovative methods of LiDAR data analysis for the identification of the structure of the forest, the forest types, the stored carbon and the mitigation of
hydrogeological instability (funding from the Friuli VeneziaGiulia Region, LR 26 of 10/11/2005, Article 16). Experimentation of laser scanning data analysis methods in some forest situations
characteristic of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in order to create GIS maps of the vertical and horizontal structure and of the density of the forest (from 01-02-2010 to 30-09-2011)
- Management Natura 2000 karst area - Definition of an informative system on environmental characteristics, human pressures and definition of proposals for conservative and management measures of Natura 2000 area (SIC and ZPS) IT 3340006 “Carso Triestino e Goriziano”. (2007-2008). Research funded by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

Bibliometric indicators related to publications and citations (last access 08/01/2021):

Results found 21
Sum of the Times Cited 324
Average Citations per Item 15.43
h-index 10

Results found 22
Sum of the Times Cited 366
h-index 10