Ernesto Marcheggiani

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Actual position: 
Researcher - Department of Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari ed Ambientali (D3A) at Polytechnical University of Marche (Ancona, Italy) 

Web page:


Short BIO:

Master degree in Agricultural Science (1998) and PhD in Spatial planning and sustainable development in rural areas (2005). I am currently senior scientist and researcher in the Italian scientific sector AGR10 - Rural Buildings and Agro-forest Territory. Expert of planning and geospatial science (remote sensing and GIS, geo-languages, ontologies and semantic Web-GIS, complexity metrics, advanced statistical methodologies) using big data analysis. GIS specialist and official examiner GIS Certificate endorsed by the ECDL foundation.
Since 2010 I am teaching planning, rural buildings and geomatics at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Univpm), where I am a member of the Doctoral School and supervisor co-supervisor PhD candidates.

Since 2009 I am visiting scientist at the KU Leuven (KUL), Belgium, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Division of Forest, Nature and Landscape Research where I am undergoing the following tasks:
- experimenting and designing a planning frame based on the 'New-rurality' concept;
- gaining a thorough understanding of the patterns of change of Europe's agriculture and the impacts on their functional resilience and Ecosystem services provision;
- improving a landscape metrics model based on moving windows techniques (Maptool) ;
- investigating advanced statistical methodologies (multicriteria, regressions, PCA and Clustering) to integrate large spatial datasets with socio-economic descriptors;
- experimenting geo-languages (i.e. GML, KML, etc.), ontologies and semantic Web-GIS concepts in spatial data interoperability and GIS world;
- investigating the impacts of solar installation on the arable lands in Europe and other developing third countries (ongoing: co-promoter of the project Effecten van zonneparken op biodiversiteit en productiviteit van vegetatie langsheen een milieugradiënt);

Expert on regional planning and rural development, I have a thorough knowledge of EU research and policy agendas. In the last years, strengthening and anticipating fast-track regulation and standards in these sectors, my attention has been dedicated to the political and strategic evolution of the Europen Union as a whole (Commission, Council, Parliament, CoRE and EESC) from the first glimpses of the change introduced in the last Juncker's period to the current transition towards the Von der Leyen's Green Deal ambitions; Besides in-depth knowledge of the critical scientific methods to designing, managing and implementing research and performing data collection and analytical activities, my extensive experience in implementing and managing broad territorial complex stakeholders' agreement, makes me a foremost authority in the fields of parties consultation proposing solutions based specific policy recommendations and work plans;

As the principal investigator and critical scientific partner, I could join several international and European projects.

The most relevant projects in the last five years are as follow:

- EU Cost Action Cyberparks (TU 1306) - Fostering knowledge about the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and Public Spaces supported by strategies to improve their use and attractiveness|Name:overview
- EU Underground for Value (CA 18110) - Underground Built Heritage as a catalyser for Community Valorisation|Name:overview
- Scientific coordinator of a project involving the Italian national institute of urban planning INU and other relevant stakeholders, whose aim is putting forward policy solutions for accessible and sustainable future cities of Europe.

As a scientific advisor, I have a thorough experience designing, managing and implementing large territorial agreements involving public and private bodies and SMEs. Given my scientific interest specificity, I have in-depth knowledge of the participatory approach, the novel territorial and development European frames (Integrated Territorial Investment, Community-Led Local Development, LAG and FLAG, etc.), moreover, on the transfer of knowledge and innovation. The most relevant projects in the last five years are as follow:

- Scientific coordinator of the territorial partnership between the LAG Flaminia-Cesano S.r.l. and an aggregate of seven cities and SMEs to set up a strategic work-plan for the development of the local tourist network, financed by Leader funds in Marche region in central Italy
- Scientific coordinator for implementing a Large Area agreement for Accessible and Sustainable Tourism in the Marche region to design urban and rural regeneration strategies of sustainable transition exploiting opportunities offered by the Community Led Local Development framework, the leader's latest extensions approach. The action successfully has involved the creation of a large and complex pool of stakeholders among which, the three major cities in the area, a network of interested SMEs coordinated by DIESMN (Distretto Integrato di Economia Sociale - area Marche Nord), the regional Council of Marche region, the Province (Pesaro-Urbino), the four local Unions, the inner area (Area interna pilota Appennino Basso Pesarese e Anconetano), the LAG and FLAG Marche Nord, and the extension services;
- Project manager and scientific coordinator of the project TOOK MC – Transfer Of Organised Knowledge Marche – Cilento. The strategy aimed to reorganise the territorial policies and territorial resources to foster the local development of sustainable tourism in a transect of six municipalities in the Campania region. The project, financed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (PON) coordination implied the transfer of best practice from virtuous administrations in Italy;
- Project manager and scientific coordinator of a large territorial agreement, led by the City of Corinaldo in central Italy. The aim of the project is the conservation and sustainable exploitation of environmental and cultural territorial resources.
- PRIN 2003 research project “Modelli di sviluppo sostenibile per il territorio rurale in aree a tipologia differenziata”
- PRIN 2001 research project “Sistema integrato di percorsi verdi per lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio rurale

The list of projects can be found at and at

I am a guest editor of the Special issue " Going Underground. Making Heritage Sustainable" of the Journal "Sustainability". I own a patent in the field of rural building. The solution aims to answer the challenges raised by Greening and new-CAP. In particular, the structure offers a quick post-harvest stock building, easy to install and free of overburdening red tapes (Brevetto per invenzione industriale numero 102018000005857; domanda depositata il 30/05/2018; Data concessione 01/07/2020) Titolo:"SISTEMA MODULARE PER LA COPERTURA TEMPORANEA DI FORAGGI O DI ALTRI MATERIALI IN BALLE E METODO PER IL MONTAGGIO DI TALE SISTEMA"

As an invited speaker and chairman, I have attended and organised several national and international conferences and workshops.

I am the author of several publications on national and international journals and conferences proceedings on ISI WoS and Scopus Journals, and editor of books.

I am a referee for the following international scientific journals:

- Agriculture (ISSN 2077-0472)
- ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (ISSN 2220-9964)
- Land (ISSN 2073-445X)
- Remote Sensing (ISSN 2072-4292)
- Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050)

I am a member of the Italian Association of Agricultural Engineering/Associazione Italiana di Ingegneria Agraria (AIIA), European Society of Agricultural Engineers (EurAgEng), International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR).
I am a member of the European Network of Universities to implement the European Landscape Convention UNISCAPE.
I am a member of the scientific committee of the Landscape research centre (CIRP) at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Univpm)

Bibliometric indicators related to publications and citations (source Scopus – update 25.01.2021):

- number of publications indexed: 17
- number of citations: 154
- h-index: 6